Why Do I Binge at Night?

Those who struggle with binge eating often find themselves caught in the cycle of nighttime binge eating. If you struggle with binge eating at night you might know why this behavior continues to plague your life. This is a common concern that comes up in binge eating disorder treatment.  You are not alone. Nighttime binge eating is a common concern for many of the women I work with who are struggling with disordered eating, and it can be a complex issue to untangle.  Let’s explore some of the underlying factors that contribute to nighttime binging from a Health at Every Size (HAES) and Intuitive Eating perspective. 

Nighttime binge eating is more than just a habit; it often stems from a combination of physical, emotional, and environmental factors. As a binge eating disorder therapist, my goal is to help you work through this with compassion and understanding, rather than judgment or restriction.

Reasons for Binge Eating at Night

1. Emotional Triggers:

Many people find themselves binge eating at night as a way to cope with stress, anxiety, loneliness, or other painful emotions. Food can provide temporary comfort and distraction from these feelings. It’s common for people to be dealing with heavy emotions to use food to self-soothe or numb out after a long day. 

2. Restrictive Dieting:

When you follow restrictive diets or have strict rules around your food intake, it's common for your body to respond by craving the restricted foods, especially during times of the day when you are less distracted, such as nighttime. Embracing Intuitive Eating means giving yourself unconditional permission to eat, which can help reduce the allure of forbidden foods and decrease the likelihood of nighttime binges.

3. Hunger and Satiety Signals:

One of the principles of Intuitive Eating is learning to trust your body's hunger and fullness cues. If you have been ignoring your body's signals during the day due to restrictive eating or dieting, you may experience intense hunger in the evening, which can lead to overeating or binging. Reconnecting with your body's cues and nourishing yourself regularly throughout the day can help prevent this.

4. Boredom and Habit:

Binge eating at night can also become a habitual behavior, especially if it has been going on for a while. If you find yourself eating out of boredom, try to engage in activities that genuinely fulfill you, both mentally and emotionally. Pursuing your passions, hobbies, or self-care practices can help reduce the urge to eat mindlessly.

5. Punishment or self-care

Binge eating can be both or either a form of self-punishment or a form of self-care, depending on your underlying emotions and motivations. Sometimes people use binging as a way to punish themselves for guilt or feelings of failure. Others might use binging as their form of taking care of themselves because they are stressed in other parts of their life. 

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Utah can help you stop binging at night

Binge eating disorder treatment can help you stop nighttime binging by helping you understand yourself better. Eating disorder therapy can help you gain insight into your emotions and triggers and find different ways of coping. By addressing the underlying causes of nighttime binging, such as emotional distress or stress, you can learn to improve your relationship through therapy. With the help of a binge eating disorder therapist, those struggling with binge eating disorder can have a better relationship with their bodies. You can learn to stop binging by offering yourself compassion. 

Start working with a binge eating disorder therapist in Utah 

It's time to take charge of your relationship with food and your emotional well-being. If you're struggling with nighttime binge eating or any form of disordered eating, don't suffer in silence. Binge Eating Disorder Treatment can help. This Utah Counseling Center has a binge eating disorder therapist specializing in treating binge eating disorder. To start counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Begin recovering from binging at night 

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah 

Online therapy in Utah is just as effective as in-person therapy, and here's why. When you connect with an eating disorder therapist through video, you're still getting that personal connection and support. You can see and talk to your therapist face-to-face, just like in an office. Plus, it's super convenient because you can have your sessions from home or anywhere with an internet connection. Research shows that online therapy can be just as helpful for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and binge eating disorder. So, don't worry about missing out on the benefits of in-person therapy – online video therapy can be just as effective in helping you on your journey to recovery.

Online counseling also means I work with clients all throughout the state of Utah. I work with women in Heber City, Provo, Logan, Salt Lake City, St. George, Cedar City, and more. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Utah originally located off of Spanish Fork Main Street by Glade’s Drive Inn but now offering online therapy all throughout Utah. With her extensive experience in the field of mental health, Ashlee has established herself as a trusted expert in treating eating disorders and a wide range of psychological concerns. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and another in Family Life and Human Development, both earned from Southern Utah University. Her commitment to empowering individuals on their healing journey led her to pursue a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University. Ashlee's dedication to helping others, combined with her academic background and clinical expertise, makes her a valuable resource for those seeking guidance and support in their path towards improved mental and emotional well-being.

The Complete Guide on How to Stop Binging

If you've ever experienced the torment of binge eating, you know it can be an incredibly distressing and frustrating cycle. The relentless struggle, the overwhelming guilt, and the seemingly uncontrollable urge to binge can make you question your self-worth and willpower. You might wonder why you can't break free from this pattern despite your best efforts. Reaching out for binge eating disorder treatment is a critical first step. This guide is designed to answer common questions related to binge eating and give you guidance on how to stop the cycle of binging.

Who is Most Likely to Binge Eat?

Binge eating is a common and complex eating disorder affecting people of all ages, though often hidden due to shame. Binge eating can be triggered as a way of coping with strong emotions, painful experiences, and past trauma. People might turn to food to numb emotional pain, relieve stress, or regain a sense of control during chaos. Dieting and food restriction history can make you more susceptible to binge eating, leading to cycles of guilt and shame. Sociocultural factors, such as societal beauty standards and media messages, can contribute to binge eating. Those with low self-esteem or poor body image are particularly susceptible to binge eating. They may use food as a means to cope with feelings of inadequacy.  Some individuals may not have learned healthy ways to cope with stress, emotions, or life challenges, leading them to turn to food as a default coping mechanism. Biological and genetic factors may also play a role. Binge eating often co-occurs with other mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety disorders.

Why can’t I stop binging?

People have various reasons for binge eating, and your specific reason may not be listed here, but that doesn't diminish its validity. Common reasons for binge eating include:

Coping with Emotions

Binge eating is often a way to manage strong emotions, such as stress, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, or boredom. It can provide a temporary distraction or comfort from overwhelming feelings, even if it starts as emotional eating and later feels out of control.

Seeking Pleasure

Binge eating triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, in the brain. Over time, the brain associates binge eating with feeling better, creating a powerful incentive to continue the behavior. People may turn to binge eating when they lack other sources of pleasure in their lives, and this tendency can be more pronounced in individuals with ADHD.

Restrictive Eating Patterns

Binge eating often stems from restrictive diets or food limitations rather than a lack of self-control. Strict diets or elimination of food groups can lead to intense cravings. These cravings can eventually overpower self-control, resulting in binge eating episodes when individuals allow themselves to eat, as the body seeks the necessary nutrition and energy.

Trauma History

Those with a history of trauma may turn to binge eating as a coping mechanism. Trauma can deeply affect how a person copes with emotions and memories, and binge eating might provide a temporary escape from those distressing feelings. Additionally, it triggers brain chemicals that offer short-term relief.

Guilt and Shame

Feelings of guilt and shame can contribute to binge eating. When individuals feel guilty about their actions or appearance, they may use food for comfort. Binge eating temporarily soothes these feelings but can also exacerbate them afterward, creating a cycle where guilt or shame leads to more binge eating.

Negative Body Image

Negative body image can lead to binge eating in multiple ways. Disliking one's appearance can evoke feelings of shame, sadness, and frustration. Binge eating might offer a temporary escape from these emotions, despite being short-lived relief. Subsequently, guilt and shame often follow binge eating, intensifying negative body image feelings. Comparisons to societal standards can also exacerbate these emotions, making binge eating a way to find comfort or distraction from challenging thoughts and feelings.

Understanding these underlying reasons is a crucial step in addressing binge eating and seeking the necessary support and strategies for recovery.

How do I stop binging?

Breaking free from binge eating is possible with the right support, strategies, and self-compassion. Remember that seeking help is a courageous and important step towards recovery.

Work with a Binge Eating Disorder Therapist

Seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in binge eating disorder. Therapy can provide crucial support and tailored strategies to identify triggers and manage emotions effectively.

Build a Support System

Share your struggles with trusted friends or family members. Binge eating thrives in secrecy, and opening up to others can make a significant difference. A supportive network can offer emotional assistance and encouragement during challenging times.

Try Mindful Eating

Practice mindful eating by being fully present during meals. Pay attention to the sensory experience of eating, helping you recognize true hunger and satisfaction without resorting to restriction.

Cope with Stress

Stress is a common trigger for binge eating. Implement stress management techniques like deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or journaling to support your nervous system and reduce the urge to binge.

Avoid Dieting

Restrictive diets can backfire and trigger binge episodes. Recognize that dieting is often a contributor to the binge cycle, and focus on intuitive eating instead, of listening to your body's natural cues.

Identify Triggers

Keep track of situations, emotions, or events that trigger binge episodes. This information can help you and your therapist develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Use Intuitive Eating

Adopt intuitive eating, emphasizing listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues rather than adhering to rigid diets or rules. This approach can be instrumental in overcoming binge eating.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself throughout your recovery journey. Understand that setbacks may occur, but they don't define your progress. Practice self-compassion and acknowledge your efforts and achievements along the way.

Why do I keep binging? 

People often wonder why they keep binge eating, feeling frustrated and perplexed by their recurring struggles. Understanding the reasons behind binge eating is a vital part of addressing the issue. Some common factors that lead to binge eating include:

1. Emotional Stress:

Binge eating is often triggered by emotional stress, as food can temporarily provide comfort or help manage overwhelming emotions. However, this relief is short-lived, and the underlying emotional distress remains.

2. Dieting and Restriction

Ironically, strict diets and food restrictions can lead to binge eating. When you deny yourself certain foods, your body starts to crave them more, creating a cycle of deprivation and overindulgence.

3. Unmet Physical Hunger

Ignoring or suppressing physical hunger cues can result in binge eating. Waiting too long to eat can lead to excessive hunger, anxiety, and overeating.

4. Negative Body Image

Poor body image can contribute to binge eating, as individuals seek comfort in food when feeling dissatisfied with their appearance. This negativity can also lead to dieting and restriction, perpetuating the binge cycle.

5. Coping with Trauma

Binge eating may serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with past traumas. It can provide temporary relief from emotional pain and distress, helping individuals numb difficult feelings.

6. Unconscious Eating:

Unconscious eating, or mindless eating while distracted by other activities, can lead to eating past your fullness signals. This often occurs when eating in front of the TV, working on the computer, or scrolling on your phone.

It's important to remember that each person's experience with binge eating is unique, and multiple factors can contribute to this behavior. Recognizing these underlying causes is the first step towards making positive changes and seeking support when needed.

Is binge eating addictive?

Binge eating shares some similarities with addictive behaviors, but it's important to clarify that it is not a substance addiction. Instead, it's often described as a behavioral addiction or a compulsive eating disorder. Food addiction has been debunked as being real. 

It's important to stress that binge eating is a complicated behavior influenced by many factors like emotions, psychology, and societal pressures. Unlike substance addiction, where people get hooked on a particular substance, binge eating doesn't revolve around one specific thing.

Please note not everyone who binge eats feels like they're addicted, and not everyone who has trouble with binge eating shows all the signs of addiction. Each person's experience is different, so it's essential to look at binge eating in a comprehensive way, considering how it affects a person emotionally, mentally, and physically. Here are some points to consider about binge eating.

  • Compulsive Nature: Binge eating typically involves consuming large quantities of food in a short period, often with a sense of loss of control. This compulsive behavior resembles some aspects of addiction.

  • Emotional Triggers: Binge eating is often triggered by strong emotions, stress, or difficult life situations, similar to how some people turn to substances for emotional relief.

  • Dopamine Release: Binge eating can lead to the release of dopamine in the brain, which is also associated with the reward system involved in addiction. This can create a cycle where individuals seek out binge episodes for the temporary pleasure or comfort it provides.

  • Tolerance and Withdrawal: Some individuals may develop tolerance to binge eating over time, requiring larger quantities of food to achieve the same emotional relief. They may also experience emotional distress or withdrawal symptoms when attempting to control or stop binge eating.

  • Cravings: Like addiction, binge eating can be associated with intense cravings for specific foods or food combinations.

Why do I binge at night?

To better understand and address this behavior. Here are some common reasons why individuals may binge eat at night

Reasons for binging at night

  • Emotional Eating: Binge eating at night can be a response to emotional stress, loneliness, boredom, or other strong emotions. In the evening, when the day's activities wind down, people may have more time to reflect on their emotions and may turn to food for comfort or distraction.

  • Restricted Eating During the Day: Sometimes, individuals might follow strict diets or restrict their food intake during the day. This can create increased hunger and cravings, which are more likely to be expressed in the evening when self-control is lower. It's important to listen to your body's hunger cues during the day and nourish it adequately to prevent extreme hunger at night.

  • Habitual Patterns: For some, nighttime binge eating can become a habit or routine. If you've consistently engaged in this behavior, it can become ingrained in your daily schedule.

  • Lack of Distractions: In the evening, there are fewer distractions, and individuals may find themselves with more idle time. This can lead to overthinking, which may trigger binge eating as a way to fill the time or cope with racing thoughts.

  • Emotional Regulation: Nighttime can be a vulnerable time for emotional regulation. If you've had a challenging day or unresolved stressors, binge eating may serve as a way to cope with these feelings and provide a temporary sense of relief or numbing.

  • Hunger Cycles: Some people naturally experience increased hunger in the evening due to their circadian rhythms. If you've been suppressing hunger during the day, you may find it more challenging to resist eating later in the evening.

  • Mindless Eating: Engaging in activities such as watching TV or scrolling through your phone while eating can lead to mindless eating. You may consume more food than you intended without being fully aware of it.

From an intuitive eating perspective, it's essential to reconnect with your body's hunger and fullness cues and develop a more balanced and mindful approach to eating. Avoiding strict diets, practicing self-compassion, and addressing emotional triggers through healthier coping mechanisms can also be beneficial. Working with a therapist specializing in binge eating and intuitive eating can provide valuable support in addressing nighttime binge eating and fostering a healthier relationship with food.

Do I have binge eating disorder?

Determining whether you have binge eating disorder (BED) typically requires a comprehensive assessment conducted by a therapist specializing in eating disorders. Here is some general information that might help you evaluate whether you should seek professional guidance and assessment for BED.

Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food within a short period, accompanied by a sense of loss of control during these episodes. To be diagnosed with BED, the following criteria need to be met:

Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

  • Recurrent Binge Eating Episodes: You regularly engage in binge eating episodes, which involve consuming a significant amount of food within a discrete period (e.g., within two hours).

  • Loss of Control: During these episodes, you feel a loss of control over your eating, meaning you can't stop or control the amount of food you're consuming.

  • Emotional Distress: Binge-eating episodes are often associated with emotional distress, such as guilt, shame, or disgust, both during and after the episodes.

  • Frequency: Binge eating occurs, on average, at least once a week for three months or longer.

  • Absence of Compensatory Behaviors: Unlike other eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, individuals with BED do not typically engage in compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or fasting to counteract the binge eating episodes.

  • Significant Distress: Binge eating causes significant distress, affecting various aspects of your life, including emotional well-being, physical health, and relationships.

It's important to note that only a trained healthcare provider or eating disorder therapist can provide a definitive diagnosis of BED based on a thorough assessment of your symptoms and history. If you suspect that you might have BED or struggle with problematic eating behaviors, it's crucial to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor with expertise in eating disorders can work with you to assess your situation, provide guidance, and develop a personalized treatment plan if needed. Early intervention and support can significantly improve your relationship with food and overall well-being.

What happens to your brain when you binge?

When you engage in binge eating, your brain goes through some important changes that help us understand why this behavior happens. During a binge, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine, which makes you feel good and satisfied for a short time. This makes you associate binge eating with feeling better and can make you want to keep doing it.

Binge eating can also be a way to deal with your emotions. It offers temporary relief from feelings like stress, sadness, or anxiety, giving you a short break. But after a binge, you often feel guilty, ashamed, or regretful, which affects your brain and can make you keep binge eating.

Repeating binge eating episodes can turn it into a habit, making it hard to stop. Over time, it may even change your brain's structure in areas related to controlling impulses and making decisions, making it even tougher to resist the urge to binge eat.

Remember, while these brain changes are part of binge eating, they don't explain everything about it. Binge eating is influenced by many factors, like your genes, your thoughts and feelings, and your environment. If you're struggling with binge eating, talking to a qualified therapist who specializes in eating disorders can help you understand and address the emotional and psychological aspects of binge eating, so you can have a healthier relationship with food.

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help you stop binge eating

Binge eating disorder treatment can be a powerful and effective tool to help you stop binge eating and regain control of your life. In treatment, you'll work with an eating disorder therapist who understands your struggles and will support you every step of the way. You will learn new ways to cope with your emotions, so you don't turn to food for comfort. You'll also learn to recognize your body's natural hunger and fullness cues, so you can eat in a balanced way without the need for strict diets. By breaking free from the restrict-and-binge cycle, you'll find relief from the guilt and shame that often follow binge eating episodes.

Most importantly, binge eating disorder treatment provides a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore the root causes of your binge eating. Whether it's stress, past trauma, or negative body image, you'll gain valuable insights and develop healthier ways to handle these challenges.

Start working with an eating disorder therapist in Utah

You don’t have to keep struggling with binge eating on your own. You don’t have to stay stuck binging every night and then hating yourself the next morning. You deserve better. Binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has an eating disorder therapist specializing in treating binge eating disorder. To begin counseling follow the steps below:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist

  3. Begin recovering from binge eating

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah 

Online therapy in Utah is a great choice for treating binge eating disorder for some important reasons. The best part is that it's easy to access and very convenient. You can get therapy right from your home, so you don't need to worry about traveling or dealing with transportation problems. This is a big help, especially if you feel nervous or embarrassed about going to therapy in person.

Online counseling in Utah also means that wherever you are located in Utah I can work with you. I work with clients in St. George, Cedar City, Provo, Heber City, Logan, Salt Lake City, and more. 

About the Author

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy, based in beautiful Utah. With a profound dedication to helping women struggling with eating disorders, Ashlee brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her practice.Ashlee's educational background is rooted in understanding the complexities of human behavior. She holds dual bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Family Life and Human Development, both earned from Southern Utah University. Building on this foundation, she pursued a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University, solidifying her commitment to making a positive impact on people's lives. With her extensive expertise and genuine empathy, Ashlee Hunt provides invaluable support to those seeking recovery from eating disorders, anxiety, trauma and more.

Who is Most Likely to Binge Eat?

Binge eating is a complicated disordered eating behavior that impacts both men and women regardless of age. Binge eating disorder is actually the most common eating disorder in the United States but it is one that those who struggle with it are ashamed to talk about. In binge eating disorder treatment, I approach this struggle with sensitivity and without judgment. It's not that simple to answer when it comes to wondering who is most vulnerable to binge. However, those who binge aren’t the ones who lack willpower, it’s those who have shown too much willpower until their bodies have rebelled. 

Emotional Triggers: Binge eating is often triggered by strong emotions like stress, anxiety, sadness, or loneliness. Many people use food as a way to cope with these feelings. It's important to understand that emotional eating isn't a sign of weakness; it's just one way some people have learned to deal with their emotions.

As a binge eating disorder therapist, I help the women I work with to find different ways to handle their emotions and to dig into what triggers these feelings. By addressing the root emotional issues, we can work together to lessen the frequency of binge eating episodes.

Dieting and Restriction: 

Interestingly, people who have a history of strict dieting often find themselves more susceptible to binge eating. When individuals restrict certain foods or follow very rigid diets, it can create a cycle of feeling deprived and then overeating. This cycle can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, which can trigger binge eating episodes.

The Health at Every Size (HAES) approach highlights the significance of saying no to diet culture and embracing a more balanced and intuitive way of eating. By encouraging self-acceptance and promoting a positive body image, we can assist individuals in breaking free from the harmful restrict-and-binge cycle.

Sociocultural Factors:

 Our society and culture strongly influence how we relate to food. The pressure to fit into unrealistic beauty standards, the negative judgments about body weight, and the constant messages about dieting in the media can make people unhappy with their bodies and lead to binge eating patterns.

Eating disorder therapy focuses on using intuitive eating and using more self-compassion. 

Biological and Genetic Factors:

It's important to acknowledge that genetics and biological factors can also influence a person's susceptibility to binge eating. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing eating disorders, while others may have imbalances in brain chemicals that affect their eating behaviors.

As an eating disorder therapist, I help the women I work with to understand these factors and provide support and strategies to manage their eating patterns effectively. 

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help you overcome binge eating 

If you're dealing with binge eating, please know that there's hope and help available. Binge eating disorder treatment can genuinely make be life-changing for you by helping you conquer the pain and challenges of binge eating. I understand that binge eating can be overwhelming and leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. However, eating disorder therapy offers the tools and support you need to break free from this cycle. You can learn to be more kind and gentle with yourself while learning to find different ways of dealing with painful emotions. 

Start working with a binge eating disorder therapist in Utah

You don’t have to keep getting stuck in the cycle of binging. You don’t have to keep feeling out of control with food. Binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has a binge eating disorder therapist specializing in treating binge eating. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Begin recovering from binge eating

Online Eating Disorder Therapy

In today's fast-paced world, online therapy is a great option for getting help with disordered eating.. It's super convenient – you can connect with a qualified eating disorder therapist from the comfort of your own home or wherever you like. You're not limited to therapists in your area, so you have more choices to find the right one for you. Online therapy in Utah also lets you schedule sessions at times that work best for your daily life, making it easier to focus on your mental well-being. Plus, it's private and reduces the worry about being judged for seeking help. With secure and confidential platforms, your personal information is safe, creating a safe space to talk about your thoughts and feelings. Basically, online therapy is a convenient, discreet, and effective way to take care of your mental health in today's digital age.

Online counseling also means wherever you are located in Utah, I can work with you. I work with clients in Salt Lake City, Provo, Logan, St. George, Cedar City, Heber City, and more. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Utah, where she is dedicated to helping women overcome anxiety, disordered eating, and traumatic experiences. With a strong academic background, Ashlee holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's degree in Family Life and Human Development, both obtained from Southern Utah University. Her passion for empowering women led her to pursue a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University, where she honed her clinical skills and gained a deep understanding of the complexities of mental health. Ashlee's compassionate and holistic approach to therapy reflects her commitment to providing the best possible care to her clients, helping them achieve lasting and positive change in their lives.

How Do I Stop Binging? 

Binge eating can feel like an overwhelming struggle, leaving you trapped in a cycle of guilt and shame. You wonder what’s wrong with you and why you can’t stop. It doesn’t make sense why you have been able to be successful at many other things but this is something you just can’t stop. Many of the women I’ve worked with in binge eating disorder treatment feel the same way you do and have been able to stop binge eating. It’s my goal to give you strategies or tips that will help you with your goal of being able to stop the cycle of binge eating. 

Tips to stop binge eating

You might be surprised to know that binge eating is more of a symptom of something else. Binge eating is often driven by emotions, stress, dieting, restriction, and an unhealthy relationship with food. It can be a way to cope with painful feelings or difficult situations. To stop binge eating, it's essential to understand the underlying causes and develop different ways of coping. Here are some tips to consider in order to stop the cycle of binge eating. 

1. Work with a binge eating disorder therapist

Reaching out to a therapist or counselor who specializes in binge eating disorder can be a pivotal step in your recovery. It’s difficult to overcome binging alone, and you shouldn’t have to. An eating disorder therapist provides support, and tailored strategies to address your specific challenges. Therapy for binge eating can help you identify triggers and learn healthier ways to manage your emotions.

2. Build a Support System

Share your struggles with trusted friends or family members. Having a support system can make a world of difference. It’s possible that you feel ashamed of telling anyone how you feel and want to keep it a secret. Binge eating thrives in secrecy and sharing with someone else your struggles can make a difference. Safe friends and family can provide emotional support, lend an empathetic ear, and offer encouragement when you're facing tough moments.

4.  Try Mindful Eating

Practicing mindful eating means being fully present during meals. Pay attention to the taste, texture, and satisfaction of each bite. This approach can help you recognize when you're genuinely hungry and put you more in touch with your body. Mindful eating isn’t another form of restriction but putting you more in touch with your body. 

5. Cope with stress 

Stress can be a major trigger for binge eating. Finding ways to cope with your stress such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or journaling can help support your nervous system. Finding healthy ways to manage stress can significantly reduce the urge to binge.

6. Avoid Dieting

Dieting often leads to restrictive eating, which can backfire and trigger binge episodes. Many who struggle with binge eating don’t realize how much dieting contributes to the binge cycle. You may believe it’s because of lack of willpower but the reality is your body will fight restriction. 

7. Identify Triggers

Take note of situations, emotions, or events that trigger your binge episodes. Once you identify these triggers, you can work with your eating disorder therapist to develop healthier coping mechanisms.

8. Use Intuitive eating

Intuitive eating is an approach that was originally created with people who suffer from binge eating disorder in mind but is now an approach we use for everyone with a negative relationship with food. Intuitive eating is an approach that emphasizes tuning into your body's natural hunger and fullness cues rather than following rigid diets or food rules. This practice can be instrumental in overcoming binge eating 

9. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself throughout this journey. Remember that setbacks can happen, but they don't define your progress. Practice self-compassion and acknowledge your efforts and achievements along the way.

Binge eating disorder treatment can help you stop binging

If you're struggling to stop binge eating, getting help for it can change your life. Binge eating disorder treatment can be a helpful guide to help you get through some of the most painful feelings you’ve had to experience. Through therapy, you'll learn about what's triggering your bingeing and how to deal with those tough emotions in healthier ways. Therapy is a place where you can talk about those feelings of shame and guilt that often come with binge eating. With the guidance of an eating disorder therapist, you can learn to, be kinder to yourself, and have a better relationship with food. Binge eating disorder treatment is a big step toward feeling better and being able to feel like yourself again. 

Start working with a binge eating disorder therapist in Utah 

You don’t have to figure this all out on your own. Therapy can help you break free from binging. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has a binge eating disorder therapist specializing in binge eating disorder treatment. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Start finding food freedom

Online Therapy in Utah

It can be hard to find time in your schedule to go to travel to another appointment. This is why I offer online therapy in Utah

Online counseling means whether you are located in Heber City, Salt Lake City, Provo, St. George, Logan, Cedar City, or more, we can still work together. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is a devoted eating disorder therapist and the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Utah. With a solid educational foundation and a fervent commitment to aiding individuals on their path to recovery, Ashlee is a trusted figure in the eating disorder treatment field. Ashlee holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Family Life and Human Development, both from Southern Utah University and a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University. Her diverse educational background equips her with a deep understanding of the complex interplay between psychological factors and family dynamics, which is crucial in treating eating disorders.

Why Can’t I Stop Binging?

Between you and I, binge eating disorder treatment is one of my favorite focuses to provide. Why? Because people with binge eating carry so much shame for struggling with binging. They don’t talk about it or share it with others because they are humiliated. As a result, they stay stuck in a painful pool of emotions that makes them even more vulnerable to binge. I love to be able to give compassion and kindness to these people because they deserve it. People who binge are often misunderstood by themselves and by other people. They can’t figure out why they keep binging when it makes them hate themselves, and they hate how they feel. There are deeper reasons for why you might binge, and I want to dive into some of them. 

Reasons for binge eating

Everyone has a unique reason for binging. Your reason might not be on this list but that doesn’t mean it’s not valid. 

1. Coping with emotions

Binge eating is often a way to deal with strong emotions. People sometimes turn to food when they're feeling stressed, sad, alone, anxious, or bored. Eating can give a brief distraction or comfort when feeling strong feelings. Subconsciously it’s possible that people might resort to binging to numb their feelings because they are feeling too much. Binging may start out as emotional eating but then feels out of control. 

2.  Seeking pleasure

Binge eating triggers the release of certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine, in the brain. Dopamine gives the feeling of pleasure and reward. When someone engages in binge eating, they experience a surge of dopamine, meaning it makes them feel good. Over time, the brain starts to link binge eating with feeling better, creating a powerful incentive to continue the behavior. People might be prone to binge eating when they don’t have many other sources of pleasure in their lives. Those with ADHD are more likely to use binging as a way of reward or binging but that doesn’t mean you have to have ADHD to use food as pleasure. 

3.. Restrictive Eating Patterns: 

People who binge eat believe it’s because they don’t have self-control or willpower when the truth is it’s because they are restricting. Strict diets or limiting and eliminating food groups can set the stage for binge eating. When your body is deprived of certain foods or nutrients, it can lead to intense cravings. These cravings may eventually overpower your self-control, resulting in binge eating episodes when they do allow themselves to eat. These cravings are the body’s way to get the nutrition and energy they need to survive and they also make you vulnerable to binge. 

4. Trauma history

People with a history of trauma might turn to binge eating for a few reasons. Trauma, like experiencing a really difficult or painful event, can deeply affect how a person copes and feels. Binge eating might become a way to handle the intense emotions and memories connected to the trauma. Food can provide a temporary escape from those feelings. Also, binge eating triggers certain chemicals in the brain that make you feel better for a short while, offering relief from the distress that trauma brings.

5.  Guilt and Shame: 

Guilt and shame can actually contribute to binge eating in a few ways. When someone feels guilty about something they've done or the way they look, they might turn to food for comfort. Binge eating temporarily soothes those feelings, but it can also make them feel worse afterward. This can create a cycle where the guilt or shame from binge eating leads to more binge eating to escape those emotions.

6. Negative body image

Negative body image can lead to binge eating in several ways. When you don’t like the way you look it can bring up feelings of shame, sadness, and frustration. Binge eating might become a way to cope with these emotions, even though it's just temporary relief. After binge eating, guilt and shame often follow, making the negative body image feelings even worse. Comparing oneself to others or societal standards can make things harder too. Binge eating might offer a sense of comfort or distraction from these tough thoughts and feelings. It's like a cycle: feeling bad about the body, binge eating, and then feeling guilty. 

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help you stop binging

Binge eating disorder treatment or therapy can be a powerful tool in helping you overcome binge eating. Through therapy, you can learn to understand the underlying reasons behind why you binge such as emotional triggers or negative thought patterns. A binge eating disorder therapist can provide you with coping skills to manage difficult emotions without turning to food. They'll guide you in using different ways to deal with stress, sadness, or anxiety. Therapy also helps you build a positive relationship with food and your body, focusing on mindful eating and self-compassion. With the support of a therapist, you can break the cycle of binge eating, address the root causes, and work towards lasting change in your eating habits and overall well-being.

Start working with a binge eating disorder therapist in Utah 

You can stop binging and feel more in control again. You don’t have to keep feeling humiliated by the way you eat. Binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has a binge eating disorder therapist who can help you make peace with food. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Make peace with food

About the Author

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is an eating disorder therapist and founder of Maple Canyon Therapy, a therapy practice based in Utah. With a passion for helping women achieve better mental health. Ashlee holds a diverse educational background that equips her to provide the best support to the women she works with. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology, allowing her to delve into the intricacies of human behavior. Building on this foundation, Ashlee also obtained a Bachelor's degree in Family Life and Human Development, deepening her understanding of family dynamics and relationships. Her commitment to enhancing the lives of others led her to attain a Master's degree in Social Work where she focuses on providing therapy for women who struggle with anxiety and disordered eating.

3 Restaurants in Logan,Utah to Challenge Binge Eating 

It probably seems that eating out only makes binge-eating episodes worse. In binge eating disorder treatment, we work on rethinking this perspective. Eating out can actually help you reshape your relationship with food. Binge episodes often occur when you’re alone and in secret, with food you won’t allow yourself to eat typically. Eating out at a restaurant can help you be more in tune with your hunger and fullness and take binge eating foods off of their pedestal. If you’re located in Logan, Utah, I have some recommendations to try. 


I went to graduate school at Utah State University in Logan, and you want to know what I think about when I think about Angie’s? One of my professors told us that when his wife goes out of town he buys a cheesecake from Angies and has a slice every day while she’s gone so he has something to look forward to because he doesn’t have her there. Whatever meal you want to challenge yourself on, Angie’s has something. It’s located off of Main Street next to Smith’s in Logan. Breakfast can be a challenging meal for many people who struggle with binge eating. It’s the day's first meal after they may have binged the night before. If you’re starting the day out telling yourself you don’t deserve to eat or you shouldn’t eat to regain control, Unfortunately, you’re bound to start the binge cycle all over again if you continue to try and restrict. Breakfast at Angie’s may be a good option for you to try. 

Morty’s Cafe

I love Morty’s Cafe. Morty’s is located close to campus next to the LDS Institute building. Morty’s is known for their delicious burgers, which is why I have chosen it for those struggling with disordered eating. Burgers and fries are typically at the top of the list of “bad” foods that people with eating disorders try to avoid. This avoidance leads to more cravings and often becomes a type of food only eaten in binge episodes. To make this type of food an equal playing ground as other foods, you’ve got to incorporate them into your diet. You will be surprised to find that when you give yourself unconditional permission to eat all the foods you want, like intuitive eating suggests, they stop holding you, hostage. I’m in favor that you give Morty’s a try for that reason. 

Le Nonne

Le Nonne is an Italian restaurant located close to St. John’s Episcopal Church in Logan. Le Nonne is a whole vibe to elevate your eating experience. Often the women I work with struggle tremendously with sitting down to eat and enjoy a meal. Eating is not special to those who struggle with binge eating disorder. Binging often happens quickly and is not enjoyable for very long. One of the reasons I like Le Nonne is because eating is an experience. On Wednesdays and Fridays, there is live Jazz music to enjoy, which makes your meal that much more special. Le Nonne is a classy place, and I love that they have outside seating. 

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Logan, Utah can help you stop binge eating

You don't have to keep struggling like this all by yourself. Binge eating disorder treatment offers a powerful way to break free from the overwhelming cycle of overeating. In eating disorder therapy, you will figure out the triggers behind your binge episodes. Together, we'll delve into your emotions and thoughts, unraveling the reasons behind turning to food in tough times. Through this process, you'll learn tools to manage stress and develop better ways of coping. Binge Eating Disorder Treatment isn't as much about food itself but about why you use it. You'll uncover a  clearer understanding of your relationship with food, discover how to tune in to your body's signals of hunger and fullness and become an intuitive eater. 

Start working with an eating disorder therapist in Logan, Utah today

You don’t have to keep feeling out of control. You can stop suffering with the help of someone who knows how to help you gain the freedom and peace you’re looking for. Binge Eating Disorder Treatment can help. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has an eating disorder therapist specializing in binge eating disorder. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist

  3. Find freedom from binge eating

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah 

Online therapy in Utah is a great way to get help for binge eating disorder. It's easy to access and works well, no matter where you are in Utah. Not everywhere in Utah has access to an eating disorder therapist with the specialized training to help. With online eating disorder therapy, you get the treatment you need, while in the comfort of your own home and in your own space. It's a convenient way to tackle binge eating and start living a better, more balanced life right from where you feel the safest. 

Online counseling also means I work with clients no matter where they live in Utah. I work with clients in St. George, Cedar City, Provo, Heber City, Logan, Salt Lake City, and more. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the esteemed founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Utah, bringing a wealth of experience in treating eating disorders to her practice. With a background steeped in psychology and family life and human development—earning bachelor's degrees in both disciplines from Southern Utah University—Ashlee possesses a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health and interpersonal relationships. Her dedication to this field led her to attain a master's degree in social work from Utah State University, further honing her expertise in clinical practice. Ashlee's professional journey has been comprehensive, having worked across all levels of treatment for eating disorders. Her diverse experience equips her with a deep understanding of the challenges individuals face, allowing her to provide compassionate and effective care to her clients at Maple Canyon Therapy.

The Complete Guide to Understanding People Pleasing 

Are you constantly caught in the trap of people-pleasing, putting others' needs before your own? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by anxiety, fearing rejection and criticism? If so, you're not alone. Many women struggle with the overwhelming desire to seek approval and avoid conflict, often at the expense of their own well-being. In this blog post, we will go in-depth on people-pleasing and its connection to anxiety. We'll explore how anxiety therapy can provide support in breaking free from the cycle of people-pleasing

What is people-pleasing?

People-pleasing is when someone always seeks approval and avoids disapproval from others. They put the needs, desires, and opinions of others before their own, often forgetting about their own boundaries, well-being, and true selves. People-pleasers stress about meeting everyone else's expectations, going to great lengths to make sure others are happy, even if it means ignoring their own wants and needs.

To keep things peaceful and avoid conflicts, people-pleasers do things like constantly seeking validation, never saying no to requests, hiding their real thoughts and feelings, and saying sorry a lot, even when it's not their fault. They often worry about being rejected, criticized, or getting into arguments, and their self-worth is closely tied to how others perceive them and accept them.

While people-pleasing can come from genuinely wanting to be kind and helpful, it can create problems. It can lead to long-term stress, feeling drained, and not finding personal fulfillment. It can also make relationships one-sided, where others start expecting the people-pleaser to always prioritize their needs over their own.

Am I a people pleaser?

To figure out if you're a people pleaser, take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • Do you often go above and beyond to meet other people's expectations, even if it means sacrificing your own well-being and desires?

  • Are you frequently afraid of letting others down or making them upset, so you end up neglecting your own needs and wants?

  • Do you struggle to speak up and assert your boundaries because you're scared of rejection or conflict?

  • Is it hard for you to say no when someone asks for a favor, even if you're already overwhelmed or stretched too thin?

  • Do you constantly seek validation and approval from others to feel good about yourself or boost your self-worth?

  • Do you find yourself apologizing excessively, even when you're not at fault, just to keep others happy or avoid arguments?

  • Do you often feel responsible for the happiness and well-being of those around you, sometimes at the expense of your own happiness?

If you can relate to several of these behaviors, there's a chance you might have some people-pleasing tendencies. Remember, self-awareness is key here. Take some time to think about your motivations, needs, and recurring patterns of behavior to gain a better understanding of yourself. If you notice that people-pleasing behaviors are negatively impacting your life and well-being, it could be helpful to explore strategies for setting healthier boundaries and prioritizing your own needs.

Do People-Pleasers have anxiety?

As an anxiety therapist, I see many people pleasers also experience anxiety symptoms. The two often go hand in hand because constantly seeking approval and worrying about meeting others' expectations can create a lot of stress and pressure.

People pleasers are often motivated by a fear of being rejected, criticized, or getting into conflicts. They may worry about disappointing others or not being liked. These worries can keep them in a state of anxiety, always on edge and preoccupied with how they are seen by others.

Another reason why people pleasers often experience anxiety is because they tend to prioritize the needs of others above their own. They neglect their own well-being and don’t set boundaries, which can leave them emotionally drained and overwhelmed. This ongoing lack of prioritizing their own needs contributes to feelings of anxiety and can even lead to burnout. On top of that, the inner battle that people pleasers face can intensify their anxiety. They often find themselves caught in a constant battle between their own needs or opinions and being scared to disappoint others. The good news is there is help and anxiety therapy is one of those ways.

It's important to remember that not all people pleasers have anxiety, and not everyone with anxiety is a people pleaser. However, there is a strong connection between the two, and addressing people-pleasing behaviors can be a crucial step in managing and reducing anxiety symptoms.

What is the root cause of people-pleasing?

The root cause of people-pleasing behaviors can vary from person to person. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to why people learn to people-please. One possible reason for people pleasing is fear of rejection. Many people pleasers have wanted so badly to be liked and accepted by others. It can stem from earlier experiences where they learned that their worth came from what others thought of them.  The fear of rejection can make a people pleaser go to great lengths to gain approval, even if it means ignoring their own needs. Another reason for people pleasing is a fear of criticism or conflict. People pleasers often avoid expressing their true opinions or setting boundaries because they worry someone else won’t like it or it could lead to conflict. They may have learned early on that conflict was uncomfortable or unsafe, leading them to try to keep the peace above expressing their true wishes. People-pleasing may also come from low self-esteem or lack of self-worth. When you don’t feel confident in your own value, you might seek approval from others to feel better about yourself.

Why am I constantly people-pleasing?

Feeling stuck in people-pleasing behaviors can feel hopeless. It may be hard to understand why you feel like you have to please other people. While the specific reasons behind your tendency to people please are unique to you, there are common reasons why people try to please others so much.  One reason is a fear of rejection, where you want to be liked so badly and try to not make anyone upset or think of you negatively. You go above and beyond to gain approval from others. You may not feel good about yourself and struggle with your self-esteem so in order to combat these feelings you focus on making everyone else happy. It's important to consider early experiences that may be related to why you constantly people please, such as growing up when you learned to keep the peace or avoid backlash was to people-please. Going to anxiety therapy can help you explore deeper as to why you have learned to use people-pleasing, and why it’s hard to get out of it. 

How does people-pleasing affect your mental health?

People-pleasing really takes a toll on your mental health, often causing more anxiety. It's all about constantly putting others' needs first and seeking their approval, which creates this ongoing sense of stress and pressure. The fear of letting others down and always relying on their validation can really mess with your head, leading to even more anxiety and self-doubt. Plus, when you keep neglecting your own well-being and hiding your true thoughts and feelings just to keep the peace, it can leave you feeling exhausted, resentful, and emotionally all over the place. That's why reaching out to an anxiety therapist is so important. You can figure out the root causes of your people-pleasing behavior, and find better ways to cope. You deserve your own mental health to be prioritized. 

What kind of trauma causes people-pleasing?

The kind of trauma that leads to people-pleasing can vary from person to person. Different experiences can contribute to learning to put others’ needs above your own.  For example, traumatic events during childhood, like neglect or inconsistent parenting, can influence someone to develop people-pleasing behaviors. Emotional trauma, such as experiencing intense criticism or loss, can also play a role. Growing up in a home where your own thoughts and feelings weren’t seen as important can lead to wanting approval and validation from other people. We also live in a society that reiterates people pleasing. t's important to remember that people-pleasing can have many different reasons and sources.  If you recognize people-pleasing tendencies in yourself and have experienced trauma, seeking therapy can help you understand and work through these experiences.

How do you overcome people-pleasing anxiety?

Overcoming people-pleasing is a process that involves self-reflection, self-compassion, and implementing new strategies. Here are some steps you can take to work towards overcoming people-pleasing:

Use Self-Awareness

Take time to recognize and acknowledge how people-pleasing has affected your life, relationships, and mental health. Self-awareness is the first step toward making a change.

Identify triggers and negative beliefs

Pay attention to places,  situations, or people that tend to bring out your people-pleasing behaviors. Explore the beliefs and fears that drive your need for approval or fear of rejection.

Set clear boundaries

Establish boundaries to protect yourself and your relationships, and prioritize your own needs. Learn to say "no" when necessary and communicate your limits assertively but respectfully.

Practice Self-Care

 Make self-care a priority in your life. Engage in activities that help you feel fulfilled and rejuvenated. Taking care of your own needs is essential for your overall well-being.

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion plays an important role in overcoming people-pleasing. It means treating yourself with kindness and understanding as you navigate the process of change. By developing self-compassion you improve how your self-esteem. 

Challenge negative thoughts

 Challenge and reframe negative thoughts and beliefs that drive people-pleasing behaviors. Replace self-critical thoughts with more compassionate and empowering ones.

Practice assertive communication

Develop assertiveness skills to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and respectfully. Learn to communicate honestly even when you are afraid of conflict or disapproval.

Seek anxiety therapy

 Consider reaching out to an anxiety therapist or anxiety counselor who can provide guidance and support on your journey to overcoming people-pleasing. 

Anxiety Therapy in Utah can help with people-pleasing 

Anxiety therapy or anxiety counseling can be incredibly helpful in working through people-pleasing tendencies, as well as coping with anxiety symptoms. In anxiety treatment, you work closely with an anxiety therapist to gain more of an understanding of why you people-please and what triggers this. Through this process, you can find better ways to cope, such as setting boundaries, being more assertive, and challenging negative thoughts. Anxiety therapy provides a safe space to explore your emotions and learn more about yourself. With the support and guidance of an anxiety therapist, you can gradually break free from people-pleasing and reduce anxiety. 

Begin working with a therapist for anxiety in Utah

You don’t have to keep struggling with people-pleasing. You can work through it with the help of an anxiety therapist. This Utah Counseling Clinic has a therapist providing anxiety therapy that specializes in people-pleasing. To begin anxiety treatment follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an anxiety therapist

  3. Break free of people-pleasing

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is a highly experienced therapist who has been dedicated to helping individuals for ten years. Her passion lies in working with women who struggle with anxiety, providing them with the support and guidance they need to overcome their challenges. Ashlee holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's degree in Family Life and Human Development from Southern Utah University in Cedar City. She further pursued her education and obtained a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University in Logan, Utah. With her extensive knowledge and compassionate approach, Ashlee is committed to empowering her clients to lead fulfilling and anxiety-free lives.

Do People Pleasers Have Anxiety?

So, do people pleasers have anxiety? Yes, they definitely can.  People pleasers are those who always prioritize others' needs and wants over their own. They tend to put a lot of effort into seeking approval and avoiding conflicts, which can really take a toll on their well-being. It's no surprise that this constant need for approval and fear of disappointing others can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress. Anxiety therapy can help people-pleasers understand themselves and their anxiety better. 

Reasons Why People-Pleasers Experience Anxiety

Fear of rejection

First, there's the fear of rejection. People pleasers have a genuine dread of being disliked or rejected by others. Part of this can be their temperament and personality, and another part of this might be past experiences contributing to the fear of rejection. They'll go to great lengths to avoid any sort of disagreement or conflict, fearing that if they stand up for themselves or express their own needs, they'll face rejection or disapproval. It's a heavy burden to carry, and it fuels their anxiety.


Then, there's the issue of perfectionism. People pleasers tend to hold themselves to incredibly high standards and strive for perfection in everything they do. Oftentimes, they may not realize they are experiencing perfectionistic tendencies and might not recognize it’s a problem. The constant worry about making mistakes or falling short of others' expectations only ramps up their stress and anxiety levels.


Overcommitment is another reason people-pleasers experience anxiety. People pleasers often take on way more responsibilities and obligations than they can handle. They struggle to say "no" when asked for help or to set proper boundaries, which ends up overwhelming them and causing even more anxiety as they try to keep up with everyone's expectations. It’s easy to feel resentful when you are spread thin and are saying yes to things you don’t have the emotional capacity for. 

Lack of self-care

Lack of self-care is a problem among people-pleasers. People pleasers are notorious for putting everyone else's needs before their own. They may see more value in taking care of other people and don’t see a need to focus on themselves.  Neglecting self-care and personal well-being can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and a significant increase in anxiety levels.

Struggle with assertiveness

Last but not least, asserting themselves can be a real challenge for people pleasers. They often find it difficult to communicate their own needs and desires assertively. This internal conflict between wanting to please others and taking care of themselves creates tension and anxiety.

Anxiety Therapy in Utah helps with people-pleasing anxiety

Anxiety therapy, also known as anxiety counseling, can be a game-changer for people-pleasers.  Anxiety therapy creates a safe and supportive space for you to dive into the issues that may be part of your people-pleasing tendencies and work through other anxiety symptoms.  Through anxiety treatment, you can understand yourself better and have better coping skills for anxiety where you don’t constantly neglect yourself to care for others. With the support an anxiety therapist, you can understand yourself better, stop people-pleasing so much and feel better about yourself. 

How to Start Working with an Anxiety Therapist in Utah

You can stop focusing on everyone else at your own expense. You can let go of people-pleasing, and anxiety therapy can help. This Utah Counseling Clinic has an anxiety therapist that helps people-pleasers. To begin anxiety treatment follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for anxiety

  3. Start overcoming people-pleasing

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is a dedicated anxiety therapist specializing in working with women. She holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a bachelor's degree in Family Life and Human Development from Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. With a strong passion for supporting others, Ashlee further pursued her education and earned a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University in Logan, Utah. With her expertise and specialized focus on anxiety, Ashlee brings a compassionate and knowledgeable approach to her work, providing valuable support and guidance to women seeking relief from anxiety.

How Does People-Pleasing Affect Your Mental Health?

People-pleasing is the desire to make others happy and avoid conflict. You may have been praised for being a peacemaker and knowing how to avoid contention. People-pleasing can be painted as a positive attribute and seems harmless. However, there’s a hidden cost to your mental health when you ignore your own thoughts, needs, and opinions of other people. You become out of touch with the things that are important to you. You mold yourself to become whatever everyone wants you to be. Don’t you have needs, thoughts, and opinions too? All of this ends up contributing to your anxiety. Anxiety therapy can help with people-pleasing and here are ways your people-pleasing is costing your mental health.

The main characteristic of people-pleasing is a continuous worry about what others think and a deep need for their approval. This constant concern keeps our minds always on edge. Because of this, our body's stress defenses kick in, causing ongoing stress. If this carries on for too long, it can result in severe health problems, both physical and mental, including anxiety disorders among others.


People who always try to please others often feel a lot of guilt. They might feel bad when they speak up for themselves, put their own needs first, or even when they take a little time off for themselves. This guilt is always there, adding to their worry and stress. This guilt works in a cycle. They try to make others happy to avoid feeling guilty. But when they can't make others happy or when they choose to do something for themselves, they feel guilty. So, they keep trying to make others happy. It's like a trap that keeps them worried and stressed.

In the end, feeling guilty all the time is like being in a tough tug-of-war. On one side, there's the desire to prioritize yourself.  On the other side, there's the fear of upsetting others. This struggle can cause a lot of distress, making it harder to break free from the cycle of always trying to please others, and adding to their stress and anxiety.


People-pleasing can directly fuel anxiety. The need to always keep others content and to keep the peace can put you on edge, worrying about others' opinions, reactions, and feelings. The fear of making a mistake or disappointing someone is stressful. This unending cycle of worry activates the body's stress response, causing feelings of restlessness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which are all common symptoms of anxiety. Over time, this state of anxiety can develop into an anxiety disorder, significantly impacting a person's mental health and overall well-being.

In addition to the constant worry and stress, always trying to make others happy can cause you to neglect your own needs and emotions. This self-neglect can leave you feeling overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure, further adding to your anxiety. You might find yourself overthinking every decision or conversation, fearing that any misstep could upset someone else.


People-pleasing can often cause people to feel very alone. The fear of letting others down or being rejected can make it hard for them to have real, open relationships. They're always hiding their true feelings and desires to avoid arguments or upset, which only makes them feel more worried and alone. Over time, this pattern of hiding their true selves can become a barrier to forming deep, genuine relationships. They might have plenty of people around them, but they still, feel a sense of loneliness because they're not being true to themselves. They're constantly playing a role or wearing a mask, which can lead to a deep feeling of disconnect from others.


Always trying to make others happy can make a person feel really tired, both in their body and mind. This is called burnout. Because they're always trying to meet others' needs, people who please others often forget to look after themselves. They might not notice they're getting unwell until they're really worn out and exhausted. For people-pleasers, burnout can happen because they're constantly giving to others without taking time to replenish their own energy. They often ignore the signs of burnout, like feeling exhausted or becoming more irritable, because they're too focused on pleasing others. But ignoring these signs doesn't make them go away. 

Anxiety Therapy in Utah for people-pleasing

Anxiety therapy can be a big help for people who often try to please others. In anxiety counseling, you can learn how to understand and manage your anxiety, as well as address the reasons behind your people-pleasing habits. As an anxiety therapist, I can help you learn how to set healthy boundaries, express your feelings, and prioritize your needs. You can also learn coping strategies to handle stress better and prevent burnout. Through anxiety counseling,  you can work on building your self-esteem and start to understand that your worth is not tied to pleasing others. Over time, anxiety therapy can help you break free from the cycle of people-pleasing, reduce your anxiety, and improve your overall mental health and well-being.

Begin working with an anxiety therapist in Utah

Your job on earth is not to make everyone else happy at your expense. You deserve to prioritize your needs first. Anxiety therapy can help you overcome people-pleasing. This Utah Counseling Center has an anxiety therapist that can help. To begin anxiety treatment follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an anxiety counselor

  3. Find freedom from people-pleasing

How Do You Overcome People-Pleasing Anxiety?

Many of us have felt the strong urge to make others happy, even if it means neglecting our own well-being. This tendency, called people-pleasing, can cause anxiety, stress, and a sense of losing ourselves. Once you recognize people-pleasing in yourself, you want to find ways of overcoming it. It’s not an easy process to let go of people-pleasing but anxiety therapy can help. The more you learn about yourself and the reasons for people pleasing, the better able you are to move forward without them. 

The root cause of people-pleasing

To overcome people-pleasing anxiety, it's important to understand why it happens in the first place. Take a moment to think about how you were raised, the culture you grew up in, and the experiences you've had. These things may have influenced you to always seek approval from others, even if it means neglecting your own needs. By understanding these influences, you can start figuring out the patterns that contribute to your anxiety and work towards changing them.

Use Self-awareness 

Developing self-awareness is important for overcoming people-pleasing anxiety. Take some time to think about what you truly want, what values are important to you, and what boundaries you need to set. Pay attention to your emotions and notice when you start feeling the need to make others happy even if it hurts you. By understanding what triggers these feelings and how you respond emotionally, you can start making choices that reflect your true self and prioritize your well-being.

Develop self-compassion

Self-compassion is the practice of being kind to yourself as you work on your goals. It’s not about giving yourself excuses or enabling bad behavior. Self-compassion is about taking care of yourself as you work through overcoming people-pleasing anxiety. Working through people-pleasing is really hard. It might be a new experience to put yourself first and establish healthy boundaries. Treat yourself kindly and understand that you deserve love and respect, no matter what others think. 

Practice Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a powerful skill that can help break the cycle of people-pleasing. It may feel foreign to you when you have used people-pleasing to cope with your anxiousness. Start by practicing clear and honest communication. Learn to express your needs, desires, and opinions in a respectful manner. You might be afraid of rejection or disapproval in the beginning and that’s ok. You have the right to your own thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. It’s ok to have opinions and for those to be heard by others. 

Set Realistic Expectations:

Recognize that you cannot please everyone all the time, and it’s not your job to do so. People are responsible for their own emotions just as you are responsible for managing your anxiety. Accept that you have limits and you are better able to show up in your relationships by taking care of yourself. Shift your focus from needing validation from others. Embrace the fact that your worth does not depend on pleasing others.It is not realistic to believe your purpose on this earth is to make everyone else happy at your own expense. 

Surround Yourself with Supportive People:

You deserve to be in relationships with people that will respect your boundaries and needs. Seek out relationships where your opinions and needs will be honored and heard. Surround yourself with people who support you. Having a strong support system can provide the encouragement you need to challenge your people pleasing. 

Overcoming people-pleasing anxiety will take time, and it will be uncomfortable. It involves thinking more about your own needs, being kind to yourself, and knowing your mental health matters.  By understanding how anxiety contributes to your people-pleasing,  learning to share your own opinions and needs, and practicing saying no,  you can break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and be your true self. Remember, you deserve to live a life that is fulfilling. 

Anxiety Therapy in Utah to overcome people-pleasing anxiety

Anxiety Therapy in Utah is here to help you overcome the anxiety that comes from always trying to please others. Together, we will explore why you feel this way and learn how to stop it. In our safe and supportive sessions, we'll talk about your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. I will guide you in understanding yourself better and figuring out what you need. 

How to start working with an anxiety therapist in Utah 

Are you ready to reclaim your life from the grips of anxiety and people-pleasing? Anxiety Therapy can help. This Utah Counseling Clinic has an anxiety therapist that can help. To begin anxiety therapy follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for anxiety

  3. Start letting go of people-pleasing