Who is Most Likely to Binge Eat?

Binge eating is a complicated disordered eating behavior that impacts both men and women regardless of age. Binge eating disorder is actually the most common eating disorder in the United States but it is one that those who struggle with it are ashamed to talk about. In binge eating disorder treatment, I approach this struggle with sensitivity and without judgment. It's not that simple to answer when it comes to wondering who is most vulnerable to binge. However, those who binge aren’t the ones who lack willpower, it’s those who have shown too much willpower until their bodies have rebelled. 

Emotional Triggers: Binge eating is often triggered by strong emotions like stress, anxiety, sadness, or loneliness. Many people use food as a way to cope with these feelings. It's important to understand that emotional eating isn't a sign of weakness; it's just one way some people have learned to deal with their emotions.

As a binge eating disorder therapist, I help the women I work with to find different ways to handle their emotions and to dig into what triggers these feelings. By addressing the root emotional issues, we can work together to lessen the frequency of binge eating episodes.

Dieting and Restriction: 

Interestingly, people who have a history of strict dieting often find themselves more susceptible to binge eating. When individuals restrict certain foods or follow very rigid diets, it can create a cycle of feeling deprived and then overeating. This cycle can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, which can trigger binge eating episodes.

The Health at Every Size (HAES) approach highlights the significance of saying no to diet culture and embracing a more balanced and intuitive way of eating. By encouraging self-acceptance and promoting a positive body image, we can assist individuals in breaking free from the harmful restrict-and-binge cycle.

Sociocultural Factors:

 Our society and culture strongly influence how we relate to food. The pressure to fit into unrealistic beauty standards, the negative judgments about body weight, and the constant messages about dieting in the media can make people unhappy with their bodies and lead to binge eating patterns.

Eating disorder therapy focuses on using intuitive eating and using more self-compassion. 

Biological and Genetic Factors:

It's important to acknowledge that genetics and biological factors can also influence a person's susceptibility to binge eating. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing eating disorders, while others may have imbalances in brain chemicals that affect their eating behaviors.

As an eating disorder therapist, I help the women I work with to understand these factors and provide support and strategies to manage their eating patterns effectively. 

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help you overcome binge eating 

If you're dealing with binge eating, please know that there's hope and help available. Binge eating disorder treatment can genuinely make be life-changing for you by helping you conquer the pain and challenges of binge eating. I understand that binge eating can be overwhelming and leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. However, eating disorder therapy offers the tools and support you need to break free from this cycle. You can learn to be more kind and gentle with yourself while learning to find different ways of dealing with painful emotions. 

Start working with a binge eating disorder therapist in Utah

You don’t have to keep getting stuck in the cycle of binging. You don’t have to keep feeling out of control with food. Binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has a binge eating disorder therapist specializing in treating binge eating. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Begin recovering from binge eating

Online Eating Disorder Therapy

In today's fast-paced world, online therapy is a great option for getting help with disordered eating.. It's super convenient – you can connect with a qualified eating disorder therapist from the comfort of your own home or wherever you like. You're not limited to therapists in your area, so you have more choices to find the right one for you. Online therapy in Utah also lets you schedule sessions at times that work best for your daily life, making it easier to focus on your mental well-being. Plus, it's private and reduces the worry about being judged for seeking help. With secure and confidential platforms, your personal information is safe, creating a safe space to talk about your thoughts and feelings. Basically, online therapy is a convenient, discreet, and effective way to take care of your mental health in today's digital age.

Online counseling also means wherever you are located in Utah, I can work with you. I work with clients in Salt Lake City, Provo, Logan, St. George, Cedar City, Heber City, and more. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Utah, where she is dedicated to helping women overcome anxiety, disordered eating, and traumatic experiences. With a strong academic background, Ashlee holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's degree in Family Life and Human Development, both obtained from Southern Utah University. Her passion for empowering women led her to pursue a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University, where she honed her clinical skills and gained a deep understanding of the complexities of mental health. Ashlee's compassionate and holistic approach to therapy reflects her commitment to providing the best possible care to her clients, helping them achieve lasting and positive change in their lives.