What is the Binge Cycle?

You find yourself caught in the binge cycle, it's like being on a constant emotional rollercoaster. You've tried hard to stick to strict diets that promise a quick fix and a perfect body, only to find yourself feeling deprived and craving certain foods even more. Then, when you give in to those cravings and eat a lot, the guilt and shame afterward can be overwhelming. This cycle repeats, making it tough not just physically, but emotionally too. It messes with your feelings about food and how you see yourself. Breaking free from this cycle is really hard because it's like a tough pattern that keeps going, affecting both your mind and body. Part of binge eating disorder treatment involves being able to understand the binge cycle and how you get caught in it. 

About the Binge Cycle 

Intuitive eating is an approach to nutrition and health that encourages you to listen to and trust your body's signals for hunger and fullness, rather than relying on diets, meal plans, or food rules. The concept of the binge cycle is often discussed in the context of intuitive eating, particularly when people have a history of restrictive eating patterns or dieting.

The binge cycle, as understood in intuitive eating, refers to a pattern where someone alternates between periods of restrictive eating and episodes of overeating or binge eating. This cycle can be perpetuated by rigid dieting, food rules, or attempts to control one's eating habits.

  • Restriction:

    A person follows a strict diet, eliminates certain foods, or restricts their caloric intake. This restriction can lead to feelings of deprivation and preoccupation with food.

  • Cravings and Obsession:

    The restrictions often lead to increased cravings for the forbidden foods. The person may start obsessing about the foods they're not allowing themselves to eat.

  • Binge Eating:

    Eventually, the individual may give in to the cravings and overeat on the restricted foods. This episode is often characterized by a loss of control and consuming large quantities of food in a short period.

  • Guilt and Shame:

    After the binge episode, feelings of guilt, shame, and regret may arise. The person may feel distressed about not adhering to their diet or eating rules.

  • Restart of the Cycle

    To regain control and compensate for the overeating, the person may return to restrictive eating, restarting the cycle.

Breaking the binge cycle is one of the goals of intuitive eating. By learning to tune into hunger and fullness cues, making peace with all foods, and rejecting the diet mentality, individuals aim to establish a healthier and more balanced relationship with food. Intuitive eating promotes a sustainable approach to eating that emphasizes satisfaction, pleasure, and overall well-being rather than rigid rules and restrictions.

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help you stop the binge cycle 

Getting help for binge eating disorder and working with an eating disorder therapist will help you break free from the discouraging binge cycle.  As an eating disorder therapist specializing in working with those struggling with binge eating disorder, I provide understanding and support. In binge eating disorder treatment, together we will figure out why your binge eating happens and find healthier ways to deal with it. Through eating disorder therapy, people can learn to understand and work through their feelings,  helping you create a good relationship with food. The goal is not just to stop bingeing but to be kind to yourself and learn to feel better about yourself.   Binge Eating Disorder Treatment offers hope and a way to break free from the hold of the binge cycle.

Start working with an eating disorder therapist in Utah 

You can have a better relationship with food. You can stop binging and hating yourself the next day. You deserve to feel better, and binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Counseling Center has an eating disorder therapist specializing in binge eating disorder. To begin therapy follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist

  3. Break free of the binge cycle

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah 

If you're dealing with an eating disorder, getting help is important. Online therapy in Utah makes it easier. You can talk to an eating disorder therapist from your own space, which is more comfortable. No need to worry about travel or finding the right time. Online therapy is like having a caring expert at your fingertips, giving support without any stress. It's a way to break free from the challenges that might come with in-person appointments. So, if you're looking for help, online eating disorder therapy could be the right step for you.

Online counseling in Utah means I work with clients all over the state including Provo, Logan, Salt Lake City, Heber City, Cedar City, St. George, and more, 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the compassionate founder of Maple Canyon Therapy originally founded in Spanish Fork, Utah off of Main Street but now serves all over Utah through online counseling. With a deep-rooted passion for helping individuals on their journey to recovery, Ashlee brings a wealth of experience in treating eating disorders. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and a bachelor's degree in family life and human development, both earned from Southern Utah University. Building on this foundation, she furthered her education with a master's degree in social work from Utah State University. Ashlee's commitment to comprehensive care is evident in her extensive work across all levels of treatment for eating disorders. Her expertise and dedication shine through as she strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those she serves.