What Do I Do After a Binge?

After you've been through a binge episode, handling the aftermath might feel draining.  You might feel pretty low and unsure about what steps to take next. You might wake up feeling horribly both physically and emotionally. It's understandable to feel this way, and some things can help. Some things can make it worse.  It's all about being kind to yourself, getting back into a better mindset, and finding ways to feel better after a binge. Binge eating disorder treatment focuses on working through this process more seamlessly and with more compassion. The following are tips to help you recover from a binge episode. 

Tips for Recovering from a Binge

The following are tips to help you recover from a binge. Keep in mind I recommend using as many as you can to be the most helpful. 

Be Kind to Yourself:

Negative self-talk and self-blame after a binge will make you more emotionally distressed. It's crucial to focus more on being gentle and compassionate with yourself. Acknowledge that setbacks are a natural part of eating disorder recovery, and they don't diminish your progress. Treat yourself as you would a friend in a similar situation. Use affirmations or positive self-talk to remind yourself of your worth and efforts toward healing.

Avoid Restriction:

After a binge, there might be a tendency to make up for it by restricting food intake or imposing harsh dietary rules. However, this can create a restrictive binge cycle. Deprivation often leads to increased cravings, intensifying the likelihood of future binges. Instead, aim for balanced, nourishing meals that support your body's needs without extremes.

Stay Hydrated:

Binge eating can disrupt normal hydration levels in the body. Drinking water helps digestion, helps and supports overall bodily functioning. Maintaining hydration after a binge is essential to help the body recover. Aim for adequate water intake throughout the day to support your physical well-being.

Resume Regular Eating:

Returning to your regular eating routine as soon as possible is vital. Skipping meals to compensate for a binge can lead to extreme hunger, potentially triggering another binge. Consistent, balanced meals help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent the cycle of overeating followed by restriction.

Engage in Gentle Movement:

Light physical activity can be beneficial after a binge if that's what feels right for your body. Activities like a leisurely walk, gentle yoga, or stretching can alleviate physical discomfort and release tension without putting excessive strain on the body. Avoid intense workouts, as they may reinforce feelings of punishment associated with the binge.

Reflect and Learn:

Reflection without judgment is key. Take time to understand the circumstances, emotions, or triggers that led to the binge. Identifying these triggers empowers you to develop strategies to manage or avoid them in the future. It's an opportunity for self-discovery and learning, not for self-criticism.

Reach Out for Support:

Opening up to trusted people in your life or your eating disorder therapist about your binging can provide the support you need. Whether it's a friend, family member, or therapist specializing in eating disorders, sharing your feelings and experiences can offer emotional support, validation, and guidance.

Eating disorder recovery takes time. It takes effort and work, and it can be difficult and painful. What you don't need after a binge is shaming yourself and spiraling into self-hatred. I understand it's hard to stop that when it's what you've felt and dealt with for so long. I challenge you to try something different and remember you are trying your best. 

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Utah can help you stop binge cycles. 

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If you're wrestling with binge eating, know that seeking support through binge eating disorder treatment and connecting with an eating disorder therapist can change everything. As an eating disorder therapist, my focus is on providing eating disorder therapy to help you with your specific challenges.  You should feel safe in eating disorder therapy, I'm here for empathy and compassion while we try to figure out how to help you through your binge cycles. Through our sessions, we'll work on understanding the root causes behind your binge episodes and help you learn to manage painful emotions without criticism or judgment. Binge eating disorder treatment isn't about fault or blame—it's about helping you become more self-compassionate and helping you trust yourself with food again. With therapy, we can explore your triggers, establish coping skills, and help you feel ok again. 

Meet with an eating disorder therapist in Utah

You don’t have to keep struggling on your own. You might be wondering if it’s even bad enough to reach out for help. Trust me, the sooner you reach out for help the better. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic, has an eating disorder therapist specializing in binge eating disorder treatment. To start therapy follow the steps below:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist

  3. Start recovering from your binge cycle

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah

Online therapy in Utah might seem iffy, but I promise it's super effective, especially for dealing with eating disorders. It's all about making eating disorder therapy easy to get. You can join sessions from anywhere in Utah, no need to travel. And even though it's online, we still build a strong connection through video calls. It's like having a chat face-to-face, just from your comfy spot at home. I pinky swear it's just as good as in-person. I wouldn’t provide it if I didn’t know that for sure. 

The best thing is, you feel more relaxed opening up from your own space. Plus, online therapy gives you extra tools we can share easily. It's all about making sure you get the help you need, when you need it, right from your own space. So, online therapy is just as great as in-person sessions, maybe even better for a lot of people. 

The thing I love the most about online counseling is I am able to meet with people all over the state of Utah. I work with clients in St. George, Cedar City, Heber City, Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan, and more. 

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy, dedicated to providing compassionate and effective therapy in Utah. With a wealth of experience in treating eating disorders, Ashlee brings a comprehensive understanding and a passion for helping individuals navigate their journey toward healing and recovery.

Ashlee holds dual bachelor's degrees, one in Psychology and another in Family Life and Human Development, both earned from Southern Utah University. She continued her academic pursuits and earned a master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University, solidifying her expertise in mental health treatment.

Throughout her career, Ashlee has immersed herself in all levels of eating disorder treatment, working across various settings to support individuals facing these challenges. Her commitment to providing accessible care led her to incorporate online therapy into her practice, extending her reach to individuals across Utah, and ensuring that quality therapy is available and convenient for everyone seeking support.

Ashlee's dedication, coupled with her diverse experience and academic background, allows her to offer personalized, effective, and compassionate therapy to individuals seeking support for eating disorders and various mental health concerns throughout Utah.