Will a Binge Cycle Ruin all my Progress?

Dealing with binge eating and trying to make progress means looking at the bigger picture, not just one binge episode.  Recognize eating disorder recovery as more of a journey not just reaching an end goal.  When you have a binge, it doesn't undo all the good things you've done. How you think about food matters a lot in these situations. Some people think if they mess up once, everything's ruined. However, you learn something about yourself, your triggers, and your feelings from the binge cycle. This information can be helpful in binge eating disorder treatment to help you understand yourself better. 

Getting over binge eating means changing how you see things. Being kind to yourself when things don't go well is important. Most people who struggle with binge eating disorder, experience so much shame about binging and about themselves in general. One of the most valuable practices you can take away from therapy is using more self-compassion. 

Self Compassion for binge eating

When you're faced with a relapse into binge eating, self-compassion becomes your anchor. It's crucial to be kind to yourself during these challenging moments. Instead of berating yourself for slipping, understand that relapses are a natural part of recovery. Self-compassion means treating yourself with the same care and understanding you'd offer to a friend going through a tough time. Embrace the setback as an opportunity for learning and growth. It's a chance to understand your triggers better and reinforce your commitment to healing. Being gentle with yourself allows for the acknowledgment of the struggle without letting it define your progress. Through self-compassion, you can navigate these setbacks with resilience, patience, and a renewed determination to continue your journey toward a healthier relationship with food and yourself.

Diet Culture’s influence

In diet culture, how you see your progress can be influenced by this mindset especially when you're dealing with a binge. The pressure and strict rules that come from dieting often make you feel like if you mess up just once, everything's ruined. It's like thinking that any small change from the plan deletes all the work you've put in. This can make you feel embarrassed and guilty about eating, and it can push you into a binge cycle. Always aiming for being perfect and meeting impossible standards makes it really tough to keep moving forward. Getting away from this way of thinking means knowing that setbacks are part of recovery. It's about not letting one slip-up decide if you're successful or not.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Utah can help stop the binge cycle

Trying to stop binge eating is discouraging when you try to do it yourself. If you’re like my clients then you want to be done binging as soon as possible. Binge eating disorder treatment is a much easier path to overcoming binge eating than trying to keep white-knuckling it yourself. Working with an eating disorder therapist isn’t about helping you have more willpower or helping you get it together, it’s about helping you be kind to yourself. Eating Disorder Therapy involves helping you find freedom from all the shame and guilt you have. Your painful experiences deserve attention and respect, and that’s what therapy is for. 

Start working with an eating disorder therapist in Utah 

You don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to keep thinking something is wrong with you. You deserve help, and binge eating disorder treatment is the key. This Utah Eating Disorder Clinic has an eating disorder therapist specializing in binge eating disorder. To start therapy follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist

  3. Break free of the binge cycle

Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah

Online therapy in Utah allows you to get better from wherever you feel comfortable. It's a way to talk to someone who can help with your feelings and struggles through video calls. You can work with an eating disorder therapist who has specialized training even if they live far away. The best part? You don't have to travel anywhere for these sessions, making it easier to fit into your schedule. And it's all private and secure, so you can share your thoughts without worrying. Online therapy is a great way to take care of your mental health in a way that works for you, giving you the freedom and support you need to feel better.

Online counseling also means I work with clients all over Utah. I work with clients in Logan, Salt Lake City, Provo, Heber City, Cedar City, St. George, and more. 

About the Author

Ashlee Hunt, LCSW, is the founder of Maple Canyon Therapy originally located in Spanish Fork, Utah off of Main Street but has since become an online therapy practice serving all of Utah. With a strong background in treating eating disorders, Ashlee brings valuable expertise to her practice. She holds Bachelor's degrees in both Psychology and Family Life and Human Development from Southern Utah University. Her dedication to learning led her to achieve a Master's degree in Social Work from Utah State University. Throughout her career, Ashlee has worked extensively across all levels of eating disorder treatment, showcasing her deep understanding and proficiency in guiding women towards recovery. Her caring approach and specialized training make her a trusted professional, supporting individuals on their path to healing and well-being.