3 Parks in St. George, Utah to Calm Anxiety

Coping with anxiety plays an important role in anxiety therapy, as it focuses on gaining effective tools to manage and alleviate anxiety symptoms. A part of being successful in anxiety treatment is to practice some of the skills you learn. As an anxiety therapist, I understand how hard it is to feel motivated to use your coping skills when feeling anxious but I also know that if you want to be able to feel better it takes practice. While the cause of anxiety is something that will continually be explored in anxiety therapy, make sure you take the opportunity to use grounding skills to lessen the anxiety’s intensity. I want to offer 3 parks to practice coping skills in. 

1.  Vernon Worthen Park

Vernon Worthen Park is a charming public park located in the heart of St. George, Utah. Situated near the downtown area, this park holds historical significance and offers a peaceful retreat for both residents and visitors to enjoy.  Walking in a peaceful outdoor environment provides bilateral stimulation which can help calm anxiety. Focus on your footsteps, the rhythm of your breath, and the sights and sounds of the park as you move. This can provide a sense of relaxation and improve your overall well-being. As an anxiety therapist, I know how powerful it can be to calm your nervous system to use deep breathing. 

2. Tonaquint Park

I’m biased because I got married in Tonaquint Park in St. George, Utah but I think this is the best park in all of Washington County. I love the big, green, shade trees and all the grassy areas for you to relax and calm your anxiety. Tonaquint Park is located off of Dixie Drive and provides an ideal setting for calming anxiety and finding peace in nature. Take a leisurely stroll along the park's trails, immersing yourself in the beauty of the surroundings. Focus on the sights, sounds, and sensations of nature. Take deep breaths and let the fresh air and gentle breeze soothe your senses. Practice mindfulness as a way to cope with your anxiety symptoms. Find a quiet spot in the park, whether it's under a tree or by a peaceful pond, and practice meditation or mindfulness. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and allow yourself to be fully present in the moment. Pay attention to the sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and the sensation of the earth beneath your feet.

3. Pioneer Park 

Pioneer Park, also known as Dixie Rock, is a prominent and beloved public park located in St. George, Utah. Situated on a scenic hillside, this park offers a unique blend of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and historical significance. Nestled amidst the stunning red rock landscape that characterizes southern Utah, Pioneer Park provides visitors with breathtaking panoramic views of the city and surrounding areas. The park's rugged terrain, towering cliffs, and fascinating rock formations create a picturesque backdrop for outdoor activities and exploration. When you’re dealing with anxiety Pioneer Park offers a variety of spaces—some more secluded and quiet, while others are open and conducive to social interactions. Based on your personal preferences, find a space that aligns with your needs at the moment. If being alone helps you relax, seek a peaceful spot to reflect and find solace. On the other hand, if being around others brings comfort, consider joining a group or engaging in conversations with fellow park-goers.

Anxiety Therapy in Utah can help you cope 

Anxiety therapy in Utah offers support to women struggling with anxiety. As an anxiety, therapist, I can provide a safe and nurturing environment to address the underlying issues leading to your anxiety. Anxiety treatment can help you understand your symptoms, identify triggers, and develop better coping skills for dealing with anxiety. I’m here to help you through the process. 

How to start working with an anxiety therapist in Utah

Don't let anxiety hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Start your journey towards healing and take control of your mental health. This Utah Counseling Clinic has a therapist for anxiety trained to help you deal with your anxiety. To begin anxiety treatment follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for anxiety

  3. Start managing anxiety symptoms better