3 Parks in Provo, Utah to Calm Your Anxiety 

Living with anxiety can be challenging, but moments of peace and tranquility can make a world of difference. In Provo, Utah, several parks offer an escape from daily stress and a chance to find solace in nature. In anxiety therapy, we focus on using ways to calm and relax your nervous system. From the serene trails of Paul Ream Wilderness Park to the soothing sounds of the Provo River at Riverside Park and the awe-inspiring rock formations of Rock Canyon Park, these natural spaces facilitate relaxation techniques, using anxiety coping skills and connection with nature.

1. Paul Ream Wilderness Park

Paul Ream Wilderness Park is a scenic and natural recreational area located in Provo, Utah. Nestled in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains, the park offers a peaceful and serene escape from any chaos or stress and spans over 80 acres of diverse landscapes, featuring lush greenery, rugged canyons, and breathtaking views. As an anxiety therapist, I want you to be able to find ways to help your body relax. One of those ways is to spend time in nature. Taking a leisurely walk along the park's trails can be a calming and grounding experience. Walking provides bilateral stimulation for anxiety.  The serene surroundings, fresh air, and natural beauty can help reduce stress and promote relaxation when dealing with anxiety symptoms. Engage your senses by paying attention to the sights, sounds, and smells of the park, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment.

2. Riverside Park

Riverside Park is a popular public park located in Provo, Utah. Situated along the banks of the Provo River, the park offers a beautiful and serene outdoor space for residents and visitors to enjoy. It spans approximately 35 acres and provides a range of amenities and activities for people of all ages. The park's most prominent feature is, of course, the Provo River itself. The river meanders through the park, creating a peaceful and picturesque setting. The flowing water, accompanied by the gentle sound of its movement, adds to the park's tranquil ambiance. Sitting by the Provo River can be a soothing and calming experience, offering a serene environment to cope with anxiety. As a therapist for anxiety, I recommend for you to engage in mindfulness meditation while sitting by the river. Bring your attention to the sounds of the flowing water, the sensation of the breeze on your skin, and the sights and smells of nature. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the present experience, observing any thoughts or emotions without judgment.

3. Rock Canyon Park 

The centerpiece of Rock Canyon Park is the majestic rock formations that tower above the surrounding landscape. These towering cliffs provide a dramatic backdrop and make Rock Canyon a favorite destination for rock climbers and outdoor enthusiasts seeking a challenge. The park features numerous climbing routes suitable for climbers of different skill levels, allowing them to test their abilities against the vertical walls and enjoy breathtaking views from the top. One tool we discuss in anxiety therapy is progressive muscle relaxation. This park would offer a good opportunity to practice it Find a comfortable spot in the park and practice progressive muscle relaxation. Starting from your toes, consciously tense and then release each muscle group in your body, focusing on the sensation of relaxation as you let go of tension. This technique can help relieve physical tension and promote a sense of calm.

Meeting with a therapist for anxiety in Utah can help you cope with anxiety 

Meeting with an anxiety therapist and starting anxiety therapy can be a comforting and helpful way to cope with anxiety. As a therapist for anxiety, I care about my clients and want to listen to their worries and provide support.  Anxiety counseling is a safe space where you can express your feelings without judgment. Through talking and sharing, anxiety therapy can help you gain insight into your anxiety and develop coping skills. Whether it is relaxation techniques that can ease your anxious thoughts and calm your mind or digging into the deeper reason you have anxiety, anxiety treatment can help. . . Remember, seeking help from an anxiety counselor is a courageous step towards taking care of your well-being, and they are there to assist you on your journey toward healing and finding peace.

Start anxiety therapy in Utah

If you're struggling with anxiety in Utah, it's time to take action and seek the support you deserve. Don't let anxiety hold you back from living a fulfilling life. This Utah Counseling Center has an anxiety therapist specializing in treating anxiety. To begin anxiety treatment follow these steps: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for anxiety

  3. Begin managing your anxiety better