How To Stop Binging: Tips From a Binge Eating Disorder Therapist in Utah 

Donuts with the word binge in front of them. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides eating disorder therapy in Utah.

Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder, and it impacts many people across the globe. BED involves regular episodes of eating large amounts of food in a short period of time. These binge eating episodes lead to feeling out of control with food and are often followed up with feelings of guilt and shame. While BED is a complex mental health condition, stress, trauma, and past experiences can have a negative effect on one's physical and mental health. 

The women I work with that struggle with binge eating, not only feel guilt and shame for their behaviors but also take a hit to their self-esteem. They can’t understand why they can be successful in areas of their lives but this is an area they can’t stop struggling in. They hate their bodies and are terrified of the weight gain that might come from binges. If you are like them, you desperately want to stop binging. The good news is, there’s help and it’s possible to stop the cycle of binging with the help of eating disorder therapy. 

How do I stop the urge to binge?

A woman holding a plate of cupcakes. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides eating disorder treatment in Utah.

Binge eating can be hard to let go of. It might seem like no matter how hard you try, you just keep binging. One thing that people don’t realize about binging is that is often a result of restriction. Having a history of dieting and cutting out food groups, can lead to vicious cycles of binge eating. Stopping the urge to binge can be hard, but there are things you can do that can help. Here are some ideas on how to stop the urge to binge:

Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness techniques, like meditation and deep breathing, can help you be more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. This can help you recognize the triggers that lead to binge eating and learn to respond to them in a more helpful way. 

Eat regular meals:

Skipping meals or restricting food will lead to intense hunger and increase the likelihood of binge eating. Eating regular, balanced meals throughout the day can help reduce the urge to binge.

A group of people sitting and talking. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides therapy for perfectionists in Utah.

Find coping skills that work:

Binge eating can be a way of coping with difficult emotions or stress. Finding alternative coping strategies, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or creative activities, can help you manage these emotions without turning to food.

Meet with a binge eating disorder therapist:

Binge eating disorder is a complex mental health issue that often requires professional help from someone with the right training and experience. Reaching out to a therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders can help you work through why you are prone to binge. We can provide you with support, compassion, and guidance on how to overcome the urge to binge.

Why can’t I stop a binge?

There are several reasons why someone may find it challenging to stop a binge. Every person has a unique experience with binge eating but here are some possible reasons:

A woman lying on the couch reading. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides therapy for emotional eating in Utah.
  1. Chemical imbalances: Binge eating disorder has been associated with chemical imbalances in the brain, specifically involving the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is involved in reward and pleasure. These imbalances may make it difficult for some people to stop a binge once they start. 

  2. Emotional triggers: Binge eating can be triggered by emotional distress, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. These emotions can be overwhelming and hard to manage, leading to an intense urge to binge eat as a way of coping.

  3. Habitual behavior: Binge eating can become a habitual behavior that is difficult to break, especially if it has been a struggle for a long time. The brain may become accustomed to the pattern of binge eating and perceive it as the norm.

  4. Restrictive eating: Restrictive eating patterns, such as skipping meals or following a strict diet, can increase the likelihood of binge eating. This is because the body may go into a state of deprivation and intense hunger, leading to an overwhelming urge to eat large amounts of food.

  5. Lack of coping skills: Some people may lack healthy coping skills to deal with emotional distress or stressors in their lives. This can lead to binge eating as a way of self-soothing or coping with these difficult feelings.

Why do I binge at night?

Binge eating at night can have several possible causes. Here are some common reasons why someone may binge eat at night:

A woman looking in a fridge at night. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides EMDR therapy near Provo, Utah.
  1. Emotional triggers: Nighttime can be a hard time for people who struggle with binge eating disorder. Nighttime might bring on emotions such as loneliness, stress, or anxiety. These emotions can trigger a desire to eat as a way of coping with these feelings.

  2. Fatigue and lack of energy: After a long day, you may feel fatigued and lack the energy to engage in other activities, leading to a higher desire to eat as a form of entertainment or distraction.

  3. Lack of structure and routine: Nighttime can be less structured and routine than daytime,  leading to boredom or a lack of focus. This can trigger a desire to eat as a way of filling time or relieving boredom.

  4. Caloric restriction during the day: If someone is following a restrictive diet or skipping meals during the day, they may feel intensely hungry at night, leading to a higher likelihood of binge eating.

5 Reasons to work with a binge eating disorder therapist 

Working with a binge eating disorder therapist can be incredibly beneficial for several reasons:

A woman holding a notebook with a pen. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides disordered eating therapy in Utah.

1. Specialized eating disorder expertise: Binge eating disorder therapists have specialized training and expertise in treating binge eating disorder. They can help you understand the root causes of your binge eating behavior and develop skills for overcoming it.

2. Individualized treatment: Binge eating disorder therapists will work with you to develop an individual treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. They can help you identify triggers and develop coping skills that work for you.

3. Support and encouragement: Binge eating disorder therapists provide support and encouragement throughout the treatment process. They can help you manage relapses and celebrate successes, providing motivation to continue working toward recovery from binge eating.

4. Addressing other issues: Many individuals with binge eating disorder also struggle with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression. Binge eating disorder therapists can help address these issues.

5. Help with eating disorder recovery: Working with a binge eating disorder therapist can provide you with the tools and resources you need to achieve long-term recovery. They can help you develop a plan to not only cope but to help you overcome your past trauma that may be contributing to needing to cope with emotions using food. 

Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can help 

A couch. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides anxiety therapy in Utah.

With the guidance and support of an eating disorder therapist, you can learn to break free from binge eating and develop a healthy relationship with food and body image. Binge eating disorder treatment in Utah can provide you with the tools you need to have a happier, healthier life. You have unique experiences and needs and binge eating disorder treatment can be tailored to get exactly what you need. 

Start binge eating disorder treatment in Utah

You don’t have to keep struggling with binge eating. You can find peace with food and your body image. Binge eating disorder treatment can help. This Utah Counseling Practice has a binge eating disorder therapist specializing in treating binge eating disorder. 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist 

  3. Begin eating disorder recovery 

Online Eating Disorder Therapy 

A woman on a computer smiling. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy helps women by providing trauma therapy in Utah.

It’s important to be able to have access to a therapist specializing in what you are struggling with. When you are struggling with an eating disorder, you need to trust you are going to get help from someone who knows how. Not every town in Utah has an eating disorder therapist, this is why I offer online therapy in Utah. Online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy but much more convenient. 

Online counseling means I work with clients all over Utah. I work with clients in St. George, Cedar City, Provo, Heber City, Logan, Salt Lake City, and more. 

Other mental health services provided by Maple Canyon Therapy 

Binge eating disorder treatment isn’t the only counseling service offered at this Utah Counseling Practice. Other mental health services provided by Maple Canyon Therapy include eating disorder therapy, anxiety therapy, body image therapy, counseling for college students, birth trauma therapy, and EMDR therapy. Reach out for a 15-minute phone consultation to see how I can help. 

Ashlee Hunt LCSW, owner of Maple Canyon Therapy an Utah Eating Disorder Clinic.

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt is an eating disorder therapist and founder of Maple Canyon Therapy near Provo, Utah. Ashlee has a master's degree in social work from Utah State University in Logan, Utah. She has two bachelor's degrees from Southern Utah University in Cedar City in psychology and family life and human development. Ashlee loves helping women overcome binge eating and to be able to feel better about themselves. She knows how women who struggle with binge eating disorder feel shame and wants to help them develop self-compassion instead. 

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