4 Surprising Truths About Eating Disorder Therapy

Two women sitting across from each other. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy offers eating disorder treatment in Utah.

Coming to terms with the fact that you have a problem with your relationship with food and experiencing negative body image, can be a painful experience. You might be scared to ask for help and consider going to therapy. It feels terrifying to let someone in and for them to know what you are experiencing and struggling with. Part of you wonders if this is even worth the work. You may believe that the only way of surviving your life is with your eating disorder or your disordered eating

I get that it is hard to ask for help. It’s difficult to do this all on your own. Worrying about being judged makes sense when you’ve not told many people about your intimate thoughts and experiences around your eating disorder. You might wonder if any of this will even be worth it. I want you to know it is worth it, and you’ll be surprised by what you gain from the experience. 

What you have to gain from eating disorder therapy

A woman outside looking happy. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides anxiety therapy in Utah.

Everyone gains something unique and different for themselves in eating disorder recovery. There is so much to look forward to on the other side of your eating disorder. Here are some of the things you can gain from eating disorder counseling. 

  1. You’ll learn you are loved regardless of what your body looks like 

When you are in the midst of your eating disorder, you hold onto so many beliefs about your body. What it looks like, what it says about you, and how it impacts your worth. The women I work with believe that they will be judged or criticized if they gain weight. This holds so much power over them and can keep them engaged in their eating disorders. Through eating disorder therapy, you can accept that you can’t control what other people think and feel about your body. You will find freedom in knowing that the relationships you want to be will still hold the love and respect for you no matter the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. You are valued, loved, and respected because of who you are and that is not dependent on your appearance. 

2. You will heal through your relationships 

A woman outside looking free. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy helps women dealing with anxiety symptoms by providing therapy for anxiety in Utah.

Healing from your eating disorder involves healing in your relationships. There will be relationships that heal through therapy that have needed improving or mending. There will also be relationships that become safer and more secure. You will find healing and hope in those relationships. Your relationships in eating disorder therapy will evolve and can become so much deeper. While some relationships will provide healing and hope, there will be some relationships that you come to realize don’t serve you, and it’s ok to let those go. You’ll learn to set boundaries and take care of yourself without resorting to people-pleasing

3. You can do harder things than you ever thought you could

I have worked with many women who have had terrible experiences and have been through so much trauma in their lives and yet overcoming their eating disorder feels impossible. They don’t always realize it in the beginning but their disordered eating behaviors were how they learned to cope with all of the terrible things that happened to them. If they could focus on changing their body or controlling food, they could manage their anxiety. What you will gain from eating disorder counseling and recovery is being able to recognize you can do what feels impossible. You can cope with your emotions outside of food. You can do hard things, and you will end up ok. In fact, you’ll end up better and happier than you’ve ever been. It doesn’t mean the process is fast or easy but it is worth all of the work. 

4. Life is so much better without an eating disorder 

A woman celebrating with her fists up. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides binge eating disorder treatment in Utah.

Being in your eating disorder isn’t as good as it gets. You don’t need it to be able to deal with life. Life is so much better when you are fed, nourished, and freed from anxiety. Eating disorder recovery means letting go of perfectionism and being able to have more self-compassion and self-acceptance for yourself. There is so much to enjoy about your life when you aren’t consumed by calories, your weight, and everything else. You’re going to be so glad you chose eating disorder recovery and can find greater purpose and meaning on the other side. 

Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah is worth it 

A black woman smiling. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides EMDR therapy in Utah County.

Even though recovering from your eating disorder can be scary, it’s worth it. Even though you aren’t sure what life will be like without it, you’ll be ok. I have never met someone who has fully recovered from their eating disorder that has regretted doing so. You will be able to experience a better life without your eating disorder. Eating disorder therapy provides you with a safe and secure environment to talk about what you’re really struggling with you. You can count on not ever being judged here.  Eating disorder counseling will help you develop the skills to cope with your feelings. It can help you improve your relationships, feel better about yourself, and stop hating what you see in the mirror. 

Begin working with an eating disorder therapist in Utah 

You don’t have to keep struggling like this. You don’t have to spend so much of your thoughts thinking about food and weight loss. You can make peace with your body, and eating disorder therapy can help. This Utah Counseling Clinic has an eating disorder therapist specializing in eating disorder therapy. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for eating disorders 

  3. Start eating disorder recovery

Online eating disorder therapy 

A woman on a computer smiling. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides online therapy in Utah.

When you are struggling with an eating disorder, it's important for you to be able to have the assurance that the therapist you work with knows how to help you. There are many parts of Utah that don’t have an eating disorder therapist in their town, and this is why I provide online therapy in Utah. Online counseling is convenient and just as effective as in-person therapy without having to travel or commute to a therapy appointment 

Online counseling also means that I work with clients all over the state of Utah. I work with clients in Cedar City, St. George, Heber City, Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan, and more. 

Other mental health services provided by Maple Canyon Therapy 

Eating disorder therapy isn’t the only counseling service provided by this Utah Counseling Center. Other mental health services provided by Maple Canyon Therapy include EMDR therapy, binge eating disorder treatment, body image therapy, anxiety therapy, counseling for college students, and birth trauma therapy. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to see how I can help. 

Ashlee Hunt founder of Maple Canyon Therapy in Spanish Fork, Utah outside of Provo. This represents how we provide trauma therapy in Utah.

About the Author 

Ashlee Hunt is a licensed clinical social worker and founder of Maple Canyon Therapy near Provo, Utah. She has a master's degree in social work from Utah State University. Ashlee also has two bachelor's degrees, in psychology, and family life and human development from Southern Utah University. Ashlee has been treating eating disorders since 2013 and has worked with eating disorders at all levels of care. She has worked at an inpatient eating disorder psychiatric hospital helping women navigate eating disorder recovery. 

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