It's Ok to Be Wrong

A quote by John Gottman. This represents how at Maple Canyon Therapy, I provide eating disorder treatment, EMDR therapy, and birth trauma in Utah.

My brain is full of things that I’m not sure I can make a clear thought on. I’m just going for it because doing it and showing up is better than it being perfect. I’ve been listening to the book “Think Again” by Adam Grant, and I’ve been really enjoying the concepts in it. One of them is our ability to be wrong and rethink what our opinion is based on the information we are given.

It’s hard for me as a therapist to be wrong

One thing that is hard for me in my role as a therapist, is the being wrong part. Not because I don’t want to be wrong in something I say or do with a client BUT because I don’t want to hurt these precious and wonderful and inspiring people. I learned from the beginning as a graduate student first beginning therapy practice to admit when you’re wrong with a client. Admit when something isn’t communicated well or I didn’t respond effectively. I learned to be quick to do this. It’s still uncomfortable but it really does matter. It matters that a therapist takes responsibility and apologizes. This may be the only relationship that a client has where someone is willing to admit when they’re wrong. That’s how healthy relationships are supposed to go. We admit when we are wrong and make amends for it.

Admitting and apologizing for mistakes is important in relationships

I did this just yesterday in therapy. I didn’t effectively communicate what I was trying to say to my client at the end of a session and readdressed when I saw them again. It sucked AND I’m glad I did it. Here’s to the reminder that we are all human. Not to use that as an excuse but as an understanding that we are all trying and hopefully willing and committed to keeping being better for our relationships.

A woman pushing palms together and face showing remorse. This represents how at Maple Canyon Therapy, I provide a health ate every size approach, eating disorder therapy, and anxiety therapy in Utah.

Reasons why it’s good to admit you’re wrong

The women I work with struggle with feeling guilty when they aren’t perfect especially in their relationships. It’s difficult to see the benefits of admitting when you’re wrong but let me assure you there are benefits.

  1. Admitting you’re wrong can improve the relationship

    When you admit that you are wrong, this can be healing to the other person. It’s not about being perfect now or ever. It’s about acknowledging our mistakes and working a little harder to be better.

  2. Admitting when you’re wrong shows you care about the other person

    My clients are the best caregivers. They want nothing more than to take care of the people they love. Admitting your mistakes and when you didn’t get something quite right, shows the other person you care enough about them and the relationship to share this.

  3. Admitting you’re wrong builds trust

    You can feel more trustworthy to the other people in your life when you show you are willing to take accountability for your actions and admit when you’ve made a mistake. It’s hard to build trust with someone that can’t admit when they’re wrong because we all make mistakes as humans.

  4. Admitting you’re wrong shows you are willing to challenge your thinking and actions

    Thinking and acting the same doesn’t show we are open to personal growth. When we admit to being wrong, it shows we are invested in growing through using a different pattern of thoughts and behaviors that align with our values.

Hopefully, you can embrace the fact that you’re human and it’s ok to make mistakes, and there can be some important benefits to admitting when you’re wrong.

A woman in a purple shirt smiling. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides help for eating disorder recovery, binge eating disorder, performance anxiety and postpartum anxiety.

Start anxiety therapy in Utah

You don’t have to live in fear of making a mistake or fear of failure. Anxiety therapy can help you manage your fears. This Utah County Counseling Clinic has an anxiety therapist specializing in high-functioning anxiety treatment. To begin counseling, follow the steps below:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with a therapist for anxiety

  3. Find relief from fear

Online Therapy in Utah

It’s not always convenient to travel to see a therapist and make time for an appointment. I know struggling with mental health isn’t easy, and trying to manage treatment can prove to be challenging. I know that therapy is an investment in yourself, and I know it’s worth it. I also want to make it easier for you to manage your schedule, which is why I offer online therapy in Utah. It’s secure, convenient, and just as effective as in-person.

Using telehealth also allows me to work with you if you are in St. George, Logan, Salt Lake City, Heber, Cedar City, and more.

Other mental health services provided by Maple Canyon Therapy

Anxiety therapy isn’t the only counseling service offered at this Northern Utah Counseling Practice. Other mental health services offered by Maple Canyon therapy include body image therapy, EMDR therapy, birth trauma, eating disorder therapy, and binge eating disorder treatment.